Friday, August 24, 2007

Intarwab Two Point Oh

Welcome to my little blog, documenting my last year of college and beyond. Here-in you will be exposed to the ramblings of a geek just trying to find some place to publish his thoughts and interests. If people decide to read along with whatever I'm obsessed over on a day to day basis then so be it, if not that's fine too.

In any case, I'll skip the introductions because at this point nobody is reading and it'll be easier to get to know me through what I write about. You might be wondering about the title, it's just a play on words that partially pokes fun at by aversion to blogs or things like MySpace, LiveJournal and Facebook. I used to think those things were pretty vain, people using the Internet for all the wrong reasons. Blogs and online diaries just seemed like joke to me, like some futuristic version of a journal except the people you were talking to were real instead of imaginary. It just seemed unnecessary . I didn't get the point of publishing my thoughts on the web, who am I to jump online and make pages designed to boost my feeling of self-importance? I'd seen too many people make fools of themselves and get trolled off the net and I really didn't want to be a part of it.

Well I'm a little older and perhaps wiser now, and I've decided a blog might be a good place to publish my thoughts, even if nobody else is reading it's psychologically satisfying to believe someone else is. Over the next several weeks I plan to write about whatever I'm thinking about at the time while offering you, the great Intarwebs, an insight into the mind of an anonymous and geeky English major heading headlong into one of those nasty transitional moments in life.